Some say such values are “irrelevant”, others, “in the realms of RF wizardry” or even “black magic”.

The farad and the microcontroller are happily united in Pico C (page 24), a jewel of a test instrument that beats most DMMs hands down in terms of small capacitance measurements, say below 10 picofarads. However with the arrival of both the microcontroller on the one hand and the cheap DMM on the other, the focus has shifted from the classic ohm/volts/amps & farads cluster to more specialized applications like OBD, gigahertz RF and contactless temperature monitoring to mention but three examples found in this edition. Many of our readers thoroughly enjoy building and using their own test equipment and I’m happy to say Elektor has a long record of success stories in this field. Test and Measurement is a diehard subject as we’ve noticed from the response to relevant news items on our News & New Products pages and in the Elektor E-weekly. Immediately after releasing our theme plan, articles and projects on T&M got initiated to the extent that they could easily have filled the pages of an Elektor issue exclusively on electronics testing. For this month, test and measurement forms the plot, unmistakably. The March 2011 edition had a strong focus on System-on-a-Chip (SoC), covering the theme in ways that can be described as exploratory, hands-on, hardware-based, software-based and fun. For sure, a number of our themes can be accessed from so many angles that they can easily fill the magazine pages on their own strength. However the theme planning is not just a crucial bit of information to the magazine editors - it also offers guidance to press and PR agencies, advertisers and, importantly, potential authors who will typically use the list to submit a relevant article to… the editor! Elektor’s theme plan for 2011 is available for all & sundry to view at if you click on the Service tab. Pico farad – mega prospect With trade magazines it is customary for the editorial planning for the year to be based on themes or a slight focus defined for each edition.
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4 Lowest active power - as low as 130♚/MHz 4 Superior Code Density - 50% less code for most tasks 4 Higher performance - LCP1100 runs at over 45 DMIPS 4 Smallest size - the LPC1102 has a footprint of 5 mm2 4 Low-cost toolchain - LPCXpresso for less than USD 30 ✚ GPIB-to-USB Converter ✚ Altimeter for Micro-RocketsĬortex-M0 a simple choice We’re changing how engineers think about design, with Cortex-M0™ solutions that let you save power, reduce cost, shrink your design, and get to market fast. Pico C Meter low-cost instrument covers 0.1 - 2500 pF R1 IR Thermometers Tested pitfalls – theory – hands-on